Come in for a quickie

Here’s yesterday’s Sunday Times Conch. It’s about modern dating techniques. Oy Vey.


We’re living in a quick hook-up culture. When I first started dating online ten years ago, you had to fill in a four-page questionnaire, including your likes (long walks on the beach, flirting and a sense of humour seemed to be standard across the board), and dislikes (dishonesty, gonorrhea, trying to spell gonorrhea, and scam artists). You described in great detail how you looked, using euphemisms like ‘traditionally built’, or ‘nice personality’, and posted pictures if you were thin or brave. This information was fed into a giant computer where it went through a complex algorithm and spat out your compatible matches.

I was once a 67% match with a black Jewish man named Noah Masipa, who already had three wives and was looking to add another one (who could cook) to his complement. That’s a true story; honesty was in the top three qualities I put in the ‘Describe your Personality’ section. Cooking was not.

Fast-forward a decade and Tinder and it’s offshoots like Grindr (for gay people), 3nder (for threesomes) and Blendr (for sightseeing hookups) rule supreme. In our entire history as a species, we’ve never required less information about a potential partner than we do today. We’re satisfied with as little as looks, location and the knowledge that they have a smart phone and enough cognisant ability, coordination and data to be able to swipe either left or right.

I’m genuinely concerned about the next step in the evolution of dating. Perhaps they’ll add a clock to it? Instead of being able to surf through potential dates at your leisure, you’ll have to make a split second decision. Your potential life partner’s face will pop up on your screen for literally a second, so you’ll have to be really quick on the draw. Or should that be quick on the pull. And that will be the only information you get. It’ll be speed dating on, well on speed.

But there is hope. Once, in my other life in advertising, I sat in a marketing meeting that went on for several weeks. And that was where I learnt about The Adidas Principle. Basically, each generation defies the generation before. So for example, if your father wears Nikes, then you will more than likely choose Adidas. And then we wash, rinse and rotate as each new generation comes along.

So maybe the tide will turn for the next generation and future daters will go back to actually requiring information to decide if they’re mentally, emotionally and physically compatible with another human being, before deciding to meet for that first coffee. A potential partner will have to supply an unabridged birth certificate, a five-year work and relationship history, and submit to a fertility test. (You can decide if you want someone fertile or infertile – the latter being my preference.) Followed by a few months chatting via email and telephone, a background check by a private detective, then three, maybe even four dates before you shag. Yeah, I know, sounds tedious. Don’t worry that’s only for the next generation. As you were.


Tinder dating app photo

The answer is 69



When last did you watch pornography for something other than the sex? Never! What? You don’t know what you’re missing.

While porn has never been known for its cliff hangers, riveting dialogue, high-end production values or original plot lines, it’s starting to get quite a good reputation for its mathematical problem solving.

Blackboards in Porn is a website that’s encouraging people to watch pornography with a whole new purpose. That is, not for the sex.

Somewhere along the way the creator of the site became the first man in the history of the world to become bored with pornography. And so he started to pay attention to what was going on in the background in various scenes instead. He now searches out pornographic movies set in classrooms, universities and scientific laboratories, then he pauses on any scene that contains a blackboard and zooms in as close as possible to see what’s been written on it.

He then evaluates, judges and grades what’s been written on the blackboard based on subject, accuracy, levels of difficulty and attention to detail. Essentially he’s getting people to watch pornography for the maths. Which is a little like buying a Playboy magazine for the articles, getting a mango for the pip, or going to watch a movie for the trailers.

The scene is a familiar one, a hot ‘teacher’ wearing librarian glasses and a short, tight skirt begins to berate her only ‘student’. But just before the boom chicka-wa-wa music kicks in and the teacher no doubt drops her pen and then shakes her hair out of its tight bun as she bends over to pick it up, our host pauses the tape and transcribes the mathematical problem and solution sketched on the blackboard behind the teacher:

2x + 3 = g

x = 12

According to Blackboards in Porn, it’s simple algebra. Another observation our pornomatician makes is that the teacher’s handwriting is very large, and so he worries that she might have to get a bigger blackboard when they move onto quadratic equations. Because these are the things we should be worrying about while watching pornography.

He also goes on to analyse the problem and conclude that it’s been solved incorrectly. And he kindly provides the correct solution as follows:

‘2x + 3 = 9

Subtract 3 from both sides: 2x = 6

Then divide both sides by 2: x = 3.’

Thanks guy, but x = 3 isn’t quite the happy ending I had in mind. Let’s be honest, it’s no money shot.

In another example on the site, a rather hunky-looking teacher is giving a confused-looking student extra lessons after school. Behind them on the blackboard is the sum 1+1 = 2. In this case our pornonerd is concerned that the pretty student who is well into her twenties seems unable to grasp the most simple of mathematical concepts. That teacher really does have his work cut out for him, all the extra-maths lessons in the world aren’t going to help this girl. Perhaps it’s best if she sticks to stripping and doesn’t give up her night job.

But you’ll be pleased to hear that not all pornographers are bad at maths. One movie scene he’s commented on contained not one, but two blackboards. Both filled with what appears to be rather complex undergraduate-level chemistry.

I picture the fluffer, lighting cameraman, lead actress and director all huddled thoughtfully around the blackboard before the shoot, scratching their heads and painstakingly trying to figure out the chemical formula for orthosilicic acid.

I’m glad that’s what they’re studying; chemistry between actors is the one thing that’s usually lacking in pornographic films.

Besides algebra and basic mathematics, the Blackboards in Porn website has also explored Pythagoras, the trigonometry of compound angles, and even the geography of Imperial Russia. However our resident pornogeek was quick to point out that in the map drawn on the porno blackboard in the movie in question, St Petersburg is way too far south and Vladivostok too far north.

I’d like to suggest we give this committed student of porn nine out of ten for effort. Hey any guy who gets more turned on by geometry than boobs deserves an A.